Trash X Mac 破解版 全能卸载软件-(下载

Trash X mac破解版是一款全能的应用卸载工具,Trash X功能强大、用户界面简洁,我们只需要拖动想要卸载的应用或者文件到界面Trash X就会帮助你卸载一切相关的文件。

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Trash X 1.9.5 Mac 破解版 介绍

Trash X是适用于Mac OS X的全功能垃圾桶。使用起来非常简单,它的功能就像经典的Mac OS Trashcan一样 – 放在其上的文件和文件夹被移动到垃圾箱,并且知识兔弹出的磁盘被弹出。此外,它还为高级用户分享了许多功能。您可以使用它立即删除或粉碎文件和文件夹,而无需将它们发送到废纸篓。您可以使用它仅在选定的磁盘上清空或粉碎垃圾。当然,您可以像使用桌面上的垃圾桶一样使用它。Trash X是完全安全的,它不需要系统黑客或终端命令。在桌面,文档文件夹或任何其他任何地方放置别名或副本。COOL TIP:将Trash X放入Finder窗口工具栏中,知识兔以便在任何文件夹中轻松访问它。

Trash X is a fully functional trashcan for Mac OS X. Extremely simple to use, it functions just like the classic Mac OS Trashcan – files and folders dropped on it are moved to the trash, and disks dropped on it are ejected. In addition, it also features numerous functions for the power user. You can use it to instantly delete or shred file and folders without sending them to the trash. You can use it to empty or shred trash only on selected disks. And of course, you can use it just like the trashcan you’ve always had on your desktop. Trash X is completely safe and it requires no system hacks or Terminal command line voodoo. Place an alias or copy of it on your desktop, in your documents folder, or anywhere else you wish.

Trash X Mac 破解版 全能卸载软件

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