Evoland 2 Mac 破解版 浓浓塞尔达风格的进化之地下载
Evoland是一部用游戏讲述历史的游戏,带玩家体验RPG游戏各种玩法和进化史的游戏,游戏给人的体验非常特别。让玩家从游戏中纵观整个 RPG 游戏的进化史。
Evoland 2: A Slight Case of Spacetime Continuum Disorder Mac 破解版 介绍
“It’s a mashup on a grand scale — and a successful one — bringing together many of the elements that make us love all those games individually.”
9/10 – Gamesbeat
“Evoland 2 manages to seamlessly blend an incredible number of genres into a single, wonderful experience.”
4/5 – Hardcoregamer
“One of the best games I have played for a long time!”
10/10 – Many Steam Players
随着时间的推移,Evoland 2的图形风格正在发生变化,随着故事情节的发展,其游戏性也在不断变化。这也是一个真正的RPG,有一个基于时间旅行的深刻场景:探索不同的时代,改变世界的历史。但你确定后果不会让事情变得更糟吗?