Squeed 1.12.8 for Mac版下载
Squeed聽 Mac 平台上的一款有用的音乐修改软件,Squeed Mac版是一个简略,高效的 MP3 元数据修改器,能够在线数据库的支撑。
Squeed Mac版支持输出简洁的音乐标签,不写入或保存在文件中没有出现在侧边栏的元数据。搜索所有从应用程序内领先的用户打造的在线唱片数据库上一张专辑或曲目,并自动填充元数据与信息,知识兔包括封面。
Squeed Mac版支持批处理文件,一次选择多个文件编辑他们的标签或重命名。重命名模式下与支持元数据的任意组合批量重命名文件,知识兔可以预览与快速查看当前选择的 MP3 文件。知识兔可以自动完成标签,当您输入与元数据已经存在于其他文件,Squeed Mac版可以自动完成这些工作。
鈥 Added: files can now be opened in Squeed by right-clicking them in Finder, then choosing “Open with”.
鈥 Modified: the “extract tags from file name” and “rename files from tags” features now have each their own format string saved between launches.
鈥 Fixed: Discogs added a rate limit to their public API, meaning the number of requests per minute is limited. Squeed now informs the user when the limit is reached and one should wait 60 seconds. This decision is independent from Squeed and I am looking into a way to avoid those limits.
鈥 Fixed: various small fixes regarding watching files modified outside of Squeed that would not trigger a refresh.
鈥 Fixed: crash when column was resized by double-clicking divider if no file was present in the list.